

2024年12月1日 星期日


 1. [] 塞選出任何符合這裏面放的字的項目


  • Cat.png
  • Bat.png
  • Rat.png
  • car.png
  • list.png
  • mom.jpg
  • cat.jpg

If you wanted to match only the title cased files in this list, you could use the pattern [CBR]at.

This would return the result:

  • Cat.png
  • Bat.png
  • Rat.png

[!CBR]at 這個則是和上面的相反:
  • car.png
  • list.png
  • mom.jpg
  • cat.jpg

Backslashes are used to remove the special meaning of single characters '?''*', and '[', so that they can be used in patterns.


Asterisks (*)

The most common wildcard that you'll see is the asterisk. This character is used in many ways but is mainly used to match any number of characters (like parts of a string).

The three main use cases of asterisks that I've seen used are:

  • * - On Linux, will match everything except slashes. On Windows, it will avoid matching backslashes as well as slashes.
  • ** - Recursively matches zero or more directories that fall under the current directory.
  • *(pattern_list) - Only matches if zero or one occurrence of any pattern is included in the pattern-list above

These use cases can also be used in conjunction with each other! For example, to find all Markdown files recursively that end with .md, the pattern would be **/*.md

Note*.md would only return the file paths in the current directory, which is why we append **/ at the beginning.


Something important that I want to note is that while wildcard patterns are similar to regex patterns, they are not explicitly the same for two main reasons:
  1. Globs are meant to match filenames rather than text
  2. Not all conventions are the same between them (example: * means zero or more copies of the same thing in regex)

