

2024年7月23日 星期二

const numbers = [33, 2, 8]; numbers.sort(); //[2, 33, 8]


const numbers = [33, 2, 8]; 

numbers.sort();  //[2, 33, 8]


JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means that all standard library functionality must, at some point, decide how to work for most, if not all, use-cases.

Always keep in mind that the following array is valid:

const array = ["1", true, 55, 1.421, "foo", {}];

Array.prototype.sort now needs to make a decision on how to handle such scenarios, and the solution is pretty straight-forward:

Convert all values to their string representation (because every value in JavaScript can always be converted to a string!), and then sort them in lexicographic order(字典順序).

Which basically makes sort see the array as this:

const intermediate = ["33", "2", "8"];

And in lexicographic order, no matter how many characters a string has, comparison starts at position 0, and "3" comes before "8".

And in the end, the result is this:

["2", "33", "8"];

