1. Hook: 在编程领域,钩子(hook)是一种技术,允许开发人员在代码的特定点插入自定义代码(like function),以便在程序执行过程中执行特定的操作或修改程序行为。
**useState is a React Hook that lets you add a state variable to your component.
<div name={name} />
**useEffect is a React Hook that lets you synchronize a component with an external system.(所以當update btn click,應使用useEffect將資料傳給後端,而不是在btn上掛update function)
就像vue的watch with immediate: true
const Home = () => {
useEffect(() => {
// 綁定的事件
return()=>{ // 這個很少用
// 取消綁定的事件
}, [watch的變數])
**useRef is a React Hook that lets you reference a value that’s not needed for rendering.
2. jsx
**jsx 就像vue裡的template
// List.js // 這是個component
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
const List = () =>{
return <div className="list">
{ => <div>{item}</div>)
export default List
3. Why shouldn't I use index as key in render a array?
Using the index as a key when rendering an array in React is generally discouraged for a few reasons:
Stability: Indexes may change if items are added, removed, or reordered in the array. This can lead to unnecessary re-renders and potentially affect component state or cause unexpected behavior.
Performance: React uses keys to efficiently update and reconcile the DOM. When using the index as the key, React may have to re-render more components than necessary, impacting performance.
Component State: If components in the array have internal state or rely on lifecycle methods, using the index as the key can lead to inconsistencies or errors when components are re-ordered or removed.
Instead, it's recommended to use a unique identifier for each item in the array as the key. This ensures stability, improves performance, and helps maintain component state integrity. If the array items don't have a unique identifier, consider adding one or using a library like uuid to generate unique keys.
solution 1
use uuid package 如下
import { v4 } from "uuid";
const Edit = ({ add, submittingStatus }) => {
const [note, setNote] = useState("");
function noteChange(e) {
const [date, setDate] = useState("");
function dateChange(e) {
const [time, setTime] = useState("");
function timeChange(e) {
// TODO del
console.log(note, date, time);
function addItem() {
submittingStatus.current = true
add(function (prevData) {
return [
id: v4(),
4. 快速模擬後端給資料json-server
idempotent 的意思是如果相同的操作再執行第二遍第三遍,結果還是跟第一遍的結果一樣 (也就是說不管執行幾次,結果都跟只有執行一次一樣)
根據 HTTP 的規格,GET, HEAD, PUT 和 DELETE 是 idempotent,相同的 Request 再執行一次,結果還是一樣。只有 POST 和 PATCH 不是 idempotent,POST 再執行一遍,會再新增一筆資料,PATCH 則是有不能保證 idempotent 的可能性(徵求例子)。POST 和 PATCH 都不是 idempotent 的操作,這也是為什麼 Github API 裡用 POST 當做 PATCH 的相容取代方案。
另一個 HTTP Methods 特性是”Safe”,這比較簡單,只有 GET 和 HEAD 是 Safe 操作。Safe 特性會影響是否可以快取(POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE 一定都不可以快取)。而 Idempotent 特性則是會影響可否 Retry (重試,反正結果一樣)。
Safe? | Idempotent? | |
GET | Y | Y |
POST | N | N |
PATCH | N | N |
PUT | N | Y |
DELETE | N | Y |