2024年4月30日 星期二
2024年4月13日 星期六
2024年4月12日 星期五
To get started you only need to understand its Core Concepts:
- Entry
- Output
- Loaders // 處理閱讀非js的檔案(webpack 預設只讀懂js)
preset-env 是目前最新的意思
(css 類似的如postcss)
Asset Modules allow one to use asset files (fonts, icons, etc) without configuring additional loaders.Prior to webpack 5 it was common to use:
to import a file as a stringurl-loader
to inline a file into the bundle as a data URIfile-loader
to emit a file into the output directory
Asset Modules types replace all of these loaders by adding 4 new module types:
emits a separate file and exports the URL. Previously achievable by usingfile-loader
exports a data URI of the asset. Previously achievable by usingurl-loader
exports the source code of the asset. Previously achievable by usingraw-loader
automatically chooses between exporting a data URI and emitting a separate file. Previously achievable by usingurl-loader
with asset size limit.
When using the old assets loaders (i.e.
) along with Asset Modules in webpack 5, you might want to stop Asset Modules from processing your assets again as that would result in asset duplication. This can be done by setting the asset's module type to'javascript/auto'
. - Plugins
// 處理刪除檔案夾裡的檔案
// HtmlWebpackPlugin: 在build出來的檔名加入動態hash後,自動動態產生相應的html等行為
**補充 devtool: 'source-map'可以讓build出來的檔案多出,這會在瀏覽器看source時可以看到非production被編譯過的版本的code,協助debug
- Mode // 檔案會不會被壓縮等(development or production or none)
- Browser Compatibility
build 會把檔案build出來
2024年4月11日 星期四
react 速成
1. Hook: 在编程领域,钩子(hook)是一种技术,允许开发人员在代码的特定点插入自定义代码(like function),以便在程序执行过程中执行特定的操作或修改程序行为。
**useState is a React Hook that lets you add a state variable to your component.
<div name={name} />
**useEffect is a React Hook that lets you synchronize a component with an external system.(所以當update btn click,應使用useEffect將資料傳給後端,而不是在btn上掛update function)
就像vue的watch with immediate: true
const Home = () => {
useEffect(() => {
// 綁定的事件
return()=>{ // 這個很少用
// 取消綁定的事件
}, [watch的變數])
**useRef is a React Hook that lets you reference a value that’s not needed for rendering.
2. jsx
**jsx 就像vue裡的template
// List.js // 這是個component
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
const List = () =>{
return <div className="list">
{ => <div>{item}</div>)
export default List
3. Why shouldn't I use index as key in render a array?
Using the index as a key when rendering an array in React is generally discouraged for a few reasons:
Stability: Indexes may change if items are added, removed, or reordered in the array. This can lead to unnecessary re-renders and potentially affect component state or cause unexpected behavior.
Performance: React uses keys to efficiently update and reconcile the DOM. When using the index as the key, React may have to re-render more components than necessary, impacting performance.
Component State: If components in the array have internal state or rely on lifecycle methods, using the index as the key can lead to inconsistencies or errors when components are re-ordered or removed.
Instead, it's recommended to use a unique identifier for each item in the array as the key. This ensures stability, improves performance, and helps maintain component state integrity. If the array items don't have a unique identifier, consider adding one or using a library like uuid to generate unique keys.
solution 1
use uuid package 如下
import { v4 } from "uuid";
const Edit = ({ add, submittingStatus }) => {
const [note, setNote] = useState("");
function noteChange(e) {
const [date, setDate] = useState("");
function dateChange(e) {
const [time, setTime] = useState("");
function timeChange(e) {
// TODO del
console.log(note, date, time);
function addItem() {
submittingStatus.current = true
add(function (prevData) {
return [
id: v4(),
4. 快速模擬後端給資料json-server
idempotent 的意思是如果相同的操作再執行第二遍第三遍,結果還是跟第一遍的結果一樣 (也就是說不管執行幾次,結果都跟只有執行一次一樣)
根據 HTTP 的規格,GET, HEAD, PUT 和 DELETE 是 idempotent,相同的 Request 再執行一次,結果還是一樣。只有 POST 和 PATCH 不是 idempotent,POST 再執行一遍,會再新增一筆資料,PATCH 則是有不能保證 idempotent 的可能性(徵求例子)。POST 和 PATCH 都不是 idempotent 的操作,這也是為什麼 Github API 裡用 POST 當做 PATCH 的相容取代方案。
另一個 HTTP Methods 特性是”Safe”,這比較簡單,只有 GET 和 HEAD 是 Safe 操作。Safe 特性會影響是否可以快取(POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE 一定都不可以快取)。而 Idempotent 特性則是會影響可否 Retry (重試,反正結果一樣)。
Safe? | Idempotent? | |
GET | Y | Y |
POST | N | N |
PATCH | N | N |
PUT | N | Y |
DELETE | N | Y |