

2019年12月5日 星期四

JEST(unit testing), integration testing, UI testing


implement in project


https://github.com/vuejs/vue-test-utils-typescript-example  學這個安裝
https://github.com/adamsynnott/ts-vue-jest 學這個安裝,一直沒法接受<string>等等的寫法,呈現SyntaxError: /Users/starlord/Desktop/portal/unknown: Unexpected token的錯誤,似乎parse倒哪去了也不知道
https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#babel . ctrl+f5 搜尋jest,並搭配下面這個

What's the difference between faking, mocking, and stubbing?https://stackoverflow.com/questions/346372/whats-the-difference-between-faking-mocking-and-stubbing?rq=1

https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10187403 Iron man

// functions.test.js or functions.spec.js
const functions = import(./functions)

//beforeAll(), afterAll()

const initDatabase = () =>console.log('Database Initialized...');
const closeDatabase = () =>console.log('Database Closed...');

// describe限制beforeEach,...的作用域
describe('描述這個作用域中的動作目的', () =>{
    beforeEach(() => initDatabase());

    test('anything to describe this test', () => {
       const user ="Jeff";

test('anything to describe this test', () => {   // test也可以寫成it

test('anything to describe this test', () => {

// toBeNull()
// toBeUndefined() 
// toBeDefined() is the opposite of toBeUndefined()
// toBeTruthy() matches anything that an if statement treats as true
// toBeFalsy() matches anything that an if statement treats as false

test('anything to describe this test', () => {

// object or array use toEqual() not toBe(), because they are reference types not primitive types, but toEqual()  also can use on primitive types
test('anything to describe this test', () => {

// toBeLessThanOrEqual()
// toBeGreaterThan()
test('anything to describe this test', () => {
   const a=800;
   const b=700;

// Regex
test('anything to describe this test', () => {

// Arrays
test('anything to describe this test', () => {
   usernames = ['join', 'same', 'admin']

// Promise
test('anything to describe this test', () => {
   expect.assertions(1);  // 斷言接下來有幾個異步執行
   return functions.fetchUser().then(data => {    // 就是個api的動作
      expect(data.name).toEqual('Leanne Graham')

//Async Await (等於promise換個寫法!)
test('anything to describe this test', async () => {
   const data = await functions.fetchUser();

