

2020年8月20日 星期四

Text in a flex container doesn't wrap in IE11


I had the same issue and the point is that the element was not adapting its width to the container.

Instead of using width:100%be consistent (don't mix the floating model and the flex model) and use flex by adding this:

.child { align-self: stretch; }


.parent { align-items: stretch; }

This worked for me.

2020年8月8日 星期六

vue-meta, nuxt本身就有了: metaInfo->head, vid->hid

ssr seo 必須添加在asyncData,如果用到router-view轉頁用router immediate 



https://github.com/nuxt/vue-meta/tree/master/examples/vuex-async  這個例子未看


Altough we talk about the keyname asmetaInfo variable on Vue by default, please note that the keyName is configurable and could be different in your case. E.g. Nuxt.js uses head as keyName.

If you want to avoid concatenate metadata, then give it a vmid.

If a child returns null as content value then the parent metaInfo property with the same vmid will be ignored. 這裡的content value指的是 :

  • the value of a key for object types as htmlAttrs
  • the value of [contentKeyName] or innerHTML keys for collection types as meta


  metaInfo: {
    htmlAttrs: {
      lang: 'en',
      amp: true
    bodyAttrs: {
      class: ['dark-mode', 'mobile']

metaInfo: {
  style: [{
    vmid: 'page-load-overlay',
    innerHTML: `
      body div.loading {
        z-index: 999;
        background-color: #0f0f0f;
        opacity: 0.9;

If you wish to use a child property conditionally and use the parents' property as default value, make sure the child returns undefined as content value.

It is possible to use cross app vmid's with a caveat:

The value of the last updated app is used.

To keep track of which tag has been added by which Vue app, VueMeta stores an unique appId in the data-vue-meta attribute.

To optimize performance, VueMeta will only initialize for a Vue app when it finds a metaInfo property on any of the loaded components. That means if you render all your components by passing the component instance directly to the render function, Vue will only know of these components once the app gets mounted (see snippet below). And this means VueMeta is unable to find any metaInfo when it looks if its need to initialize in the beforeCreate hook and the appId will not be changed to the ssrAppId.

This will result in all the metaInfo properties of your ssr app to be rendered twice, once with ssrAppId and once with appId 1.

To prevent this, either make sure there is any metaInfo configured (on any component) when the beforeCreate hook runs. Alternative (but not recommended) you could set ssrAppId to 1 as well.

大概是說要避免渲染兩次,要在 beforeCreate (或 Created )時設定VueMeta (或是相反,不確定有機會再實作一下)



如果您使用了Vue SSR 来渲染页面,那么您需要注意的是:

由于没有动态更新,所有的生命周期钩子函数中,只有 beforeCreate 和 created 会在服务器端渲染(SSR)过程中被调用。这就是说任何其他生命周期钩子函数中的代码(例如 beforeMount 或 mounted),只会在客户端执行。 此外还需要注意的是,你应该避免在 beforeCreate 和 created 生命周期时产生全局副作用的代码,例如在其中使用 setInterval 设置 timer。在纯客户端(client-side only)的代码中,我们可以设置一个 timer,然后在 beforeDestroy 或 destroyed 生命周期时将其销毁。但是,由于在 SSR 期间并不会调用销毁钩子函数,所以 timer 将永远保留下来。为了避免这种情况,请将副作用代码移动到 beforeMount 或 mounted 生命周期中。



  export default {
    metaInfo: {
      title: 'My Example App', // set a title
      meta: [{                 // set meta
        name: 'keyWords',
        content: 'My Example App'
      link: [{                 // set link
        rel: 'asstes',
        href: 'https://assets-cdn.github.com/'


context = {
  title: 'My Example App',
  render: {
    meta: function () { ... },
    link: function () { ... }


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    {{{render.meta && render.meta()}}}
    {{{render.link && render.link()}}}



  export default {
    name: 'async',
    metaInfo () {
      return {
        title: this.pageName
    data () {
      return {
        pageName: 'loading'
    mounted () {
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.pageName = 'async'
      }, 2000)

这种形式来定义数据,但是最终渲染出来的title 依然是 loading,因为服务端渲染除了created 和 beforeCreate并没有mounted钩子。

On the client, vue-meta batches DOM updates using requestAnimationFrame. 但這func其實不太懂,請見:https://vue-meta.nuxtjs.org/faq/performance.html


resolve  解析 (verb)

recursively 遞歸地 (adv)

prerequisite 先決條件(noun)

recognised 公認的 (adj)

specify 定義  (verb)

concatenate 串聯 (verb)

far-fetched 牽強(adj)

caveat 警告 (noun)

retrieve 找回(verb)

considerations 注意事項 (noun)

repaint 刷新,重畫 (noun, verb)

quene 排隊 (noun, verb)

interoperability 互通性(norn)

verbose 冗長的(adj)

extraneous 無關的(adj)

downside 缺點 (noun)

unusable 無法使用 (adj)

unchecked 未被制止的(adj)

2020年8月7日 星期五




1. 更快的内容到达时间 (time-to-content),特别是对于缓慢的网络情况或运行缓慢的设备

2. 更好的 SEO(次要目的,也可以用prerender達成,而且配置上更簡單)



Vue 'watch' has different performance in SSR and SPA

@if, @for, @while
